CF-Root (non-Auto) are manually built rooted kernels and/or flashables that usually provide more than “just root”. CF-Auto-Root is built on an automated system that I am constantly improving that takes a stock recovery image and returns an automated rooting packages. These packages are designed to install and enable SuperSU on your device, so apps can gain root access, and nothing more.
Metoda Aflare Numar Privat - Ascuns
JulThursday,18,Cautati un prieten care are un telefon fix, de exemplu pe romtelecom, si sa aiba serviciul CLIP activat, iar telefonul fix, sa aiba posibilitatea de afisare a numerelor.
Redirectionati apelurile catre telefonul prietenului respectiv, in momentul in care cineva suna cu numar privat, pe afisajul telefonului fix va aparea numarul acestuia.
Procedura nu este mereu garantata, depinde din ce retea suna persoana anonima,pentru ca sunt unele retele straine care ascund totusi identitatea(numarul) celor care suna cu numar privat.
Tags: Aflare Numar Ascuns / Privat,Aflare nr,Cum sa afli cine iti da bip/te suna,cod care-ti arata nr de tel dak te suna cineva cu numar ascuns/privat,Cod pentru aflare nr ascuns/privat,Aflarea numarului privat/ascuns,Aflare numar mobil ascuns/privat,Aflare numere private/ascunse,Afla cine te suna cu numar ascuns/privat,Cum poți afla cine te sună cu nr ascuns/privat,Aflarea numarului de telefon Privat/Ascuns,Afla cine te suna cu Numar Privat/Ascuns.
Hidden Android Secrets Codes For Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Sony, LG And Other Devices
JunTuesday,4,*#06# – IMEI number
*#0*# – Enter the service menu on newer phones like Galaxy S III
*#*#4636#*#* – Phone information, usage statistics and battery
*#*#34971539#*#* – Detailed camera information
*#*#273282*255*663282*#*#* – Immediate backup of all media files
*#*#197328640#*#* – Enable test mode for service
*#*#232339#*#* – Wireless LAN tests
*#*#0842#*#* – Backlight/vibration test
*#*#2664#*#* – Test the touchscreen
*#*#1111#*#* – FTA software version (1234 in the same code will give PDA and firmware version)
*#12580*369# – Software and hardware info
*#9090# – Diagnostic configuration
*#872564# – USB logging control
*#9900# – System dump mode
*#301279# – HSDPA/HSUPA Control Menu
*#7465625# – View phone lock status
*#*#7780#*#* – Reset the /data partition to factory state
*2767*3855# – Format device to factory state (will delete everything on phone)
##7764726 – Hidden service menu for Motorola Droid
Keywords: Unlock, Unlock Code, Android Secrets Codes,Android ,Unlock Samsung, Telefoane, Smart phone, Samsung Code, Samsung, Coduri Secrete Alcatel, Coduri Samsung, Cod Deblocare, Code, HTC,Motorola,Sony,LG,,Coduri secrete pentru Samsung, LG, HTC, Motorola, Sony şi alte terminale Android,Samsung Galaxy Note.
Alcatel Secrets Codes
Master Codes
- 25228352
- 25228353
- 83227423 (TH3/4,BH4,BF5,BG3,BF3/4..)
###337*07# - master reset (with SIM)
###847# - factory reset (with SIM)
Alcatel 835 formating - **0102#
000000* Entering in Engineering Menu1 (with SIM)
###874# Reset to Factory Defaults (with SIM)
###765*02# Add Barring Groups
###765*05# Locking to Network
###765*07# Unlocking from Network
###765*08# Erase Network
###765*78# Deactivate Barring Groups
0123456789 Menu2 Code - BE4 Menu2 - turn long CALL in Maenu1
*#0048# Fast change language (Polish)
*#0049# Fast change language (Deutsch)
Alcatel Master Code:
Alcatel HD1, HE1: 25228353
Alcatel BE1, BE3: 25228352
Alcatel BE4, BE5: 83227423
OH5 **0102# -RESET phone code
Alcatel - ###847# - Master Reset
Alcatel TH3 - ###728# - Master Reset
Alcatel TH3 - ###337*07# - Reset
How to enter my Unlock Code on Alcatel?
Model : Method Generic
1 - Switch ON your phone without SIM Card,
2 - Then compose : *#0000*CODE#,
3 - To finish compose : *#0001*CODE#.
Model : 531 & 535
1 - Switch ON your phone without SIM Card,
2 - Press * and without release compose 787292,
3 - A new menu "Unlock Network" will appear, then select "YES",
4 - Enter the Code we send to you.
Model : All other Alcatel
1 - Switch on your phone with a not allowed SIM Card,
2 - When the message "Enter Network Key" appear enter the Code
Keywords:Alcatel, Code, Coduri, Unlock Code, Telefoane, Coduri Alcatel,Coduri Secrete Alcatel.
*#06# Shows IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number
*#0*# LCD Test Menu
Dial the secret code *#0*#. Now you get a screen with title LCD TEST as shown in image and below that you have lots of option to test various hardware parts of your phone such as speaker, sensor, lcd, etc
*#8999*523# LCD Brightness
*#1234# To check Software and Hardware information, PDA, CSC, MODEM (Firmware Version)
*#2222# H/W Version
*#*#4636#*#* user statistics and Phone Info
*#0011# Displays status information for the GSM
*#7780# Factory Reset
*2767*3855# Full factory reset (Don’t dial unless you have problem, it does not ask you to confirm )
*#12580*369# SW & HW Info
#*#8377466# S/W Version & H/W Version
#*2562# Restarts Phone
#*3849# Restarts Phone
#*3851# Restarts Phone
#*3876# Restarts Phone
#*5376# DELETE ALL SMS!!!!
*#197328640# Service Mode
*#0228# Battery status (ADC, RSSI reading)
*#32489# Service mode (Ciphering Info)
*#2255# Call List
#*3888# BLUETOOTH Test mode
#*7828# Task screen
*#5282837# Java Version
*#232337# Bluetooth MAC Adress
*#232331# Bluetooth Test Mode
*#232338# WLAN MAC Address
*#232339# WLAN Test Mode
*#8999*8378# Test Menu
*#0842# Vibra Motor Test Mode
*#0782# Real Time Clock Test
*#0673# Audio Test Mode
*#0*# General Test Mode
*#2263# RF Band Selection / Network modes select
*#9090# Diagnostic ConfiguratioN
*#7284# USB I2C Mode Control
*#872564# USB Logging Control
*#4238378# GCF Configuration
*#0283# Audio Loopback Control
*#1575# GPS Control Menu
*#3214789650# LBS Test Mode
*#745# RIL Dump Menu
*#746# Debug Dump Menu
*#9900# Takes you to System Dump, where Disabling Fast Dormancy gives a boost to your network speed on some networks (both wifi and Gprs), same code to re-enable it
*#44336# Sofware Version Info
*#0289# Melody Test Mode
*#2663# TSP / TSK firmware update
*#03# NAND Flash S/N
*#0589# Light Sensor Test Mode
*#0588# Proximity Sensor Test Mode
*#273283*255*3282*# Data Create Menu
*#273283*255*663282*# Data Create SD Card
*#3282*727336*# Data Usage Status
*#7594# Remap Shutdown to End Call TSK
*#34971539# Camera Firmware Update
*#526# WLAN Engineering Mode
*#528# WLAN Engineering Mode
*#7412365# Camera Firmware Menu
*#07# Test History
*#3214789# GCF Mode Status
*#272886# Auto Answer Selection
*#8736364# OTA Update Menu
*#301279# HSDPA/HSUPA Control Menu
*#7353# Quick Test Menu
*2767*4387264636# Sellout SMS / PCODE view
*#7465625# View Phone Lock Status
*7465625*638*# Configure Network Lock MCC/MNC
#7465625*638*# Insert Network Lock Keycode
*7465625*782*# Configure Network Lock NSP
#7465625*782*# Insert Partitial Network Lock Keycode
*7465625*77*# Insert Network Lock Keycode SP
#7465625*77*# Insert Operator Lock Keycode
*7465625*27*# Insert Network Lock Keycode NSP/CP
#7465625*27*# Insert Content Provider Keycode
*#272*IMEI# then we will get buyer code (For samsung galaxy sIII csc code)
*#*#7780#*#* Factory data reset - Clears Google-account data, system and program settings and installed programs. system will not be deleted, and OEM programs, as well as My Documents (pictures, music, videos)
Keywords:Code, Coduri Samsung, Imei, Samsung, Samsung Code, Smart phone, Telefoane, Unlock, Unlock Code, Unlock Samsung,SAMSUNG GALAXY S2 SECRETS CODES,SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 SECRETS CODES,SAMSUNG GALAXY S SECRETS CODES.
Formatare baterie Li-Ion
DecSaturday,22,Pentru mai multe informatii acceseaza acest link:
Bateriile, mai ales cele de telefon, cu ion de litiu, Li-Ion, nu necesita formatare ca cele de generatie mai veche.
Ce era formatarea?
Trei cicluri de incarcare a bateriei care erau cuprinse intre 12-24 de ore in care aparatul respectiv era conectat la adaptorul special pentru reincarcare. Formatarea se efectua pentru a forta bateria sa functioneze la capacitate optima si pentru a activa compusii chimici specifici. Acest lucru era mentionat expres in manualul de utilizare al produsului.
Bateriile cu Li-Ion folosesc alte substante si oricum ele sunt pre-formatate de catre producator. Sunt necesare doar 3 sau 4 cicluri complete de incarcare-descarcare totala a bateriei pentru ca aceasta sa isi faca treaba asa cum trebuie. Ulterior ele pot fi reincarcate oricand, chiar si partial. Un dezavantaj al acestor baterii este ca trebuie ferite de frig. Iarna multe telefoane cu baterie cu ion de litiu devin nefunctionale tocmai din cauza expunerii prelungite la frig.
Detalii tehnice:
La bateriile cu ion de litiu anodul este confectionat din litiu intercalat sau inserat intre straturi de grafit. Catodul este facut din cobalt legat cu atomi de oxigen. Pe durata folosirii atomii de Li sunt incarcati pozitiv si devin ioni pozitivi. Intre timp un electron porneste de la anod spre catod. Ionul de litiu iese din anod si merge prin electrolit spre catod unde reactioneaza cu cobaltul, oxigenul si electronul pomenit rezultand astfel tensiunea necesara alimentarii terminalului telefonic.
Tag-uri: telefon mobil, baterii Li-ion, formatare, principiu, durata de viata, incarcare, electrolit, catod, anod, reactii, garantie, ioni pozitivi, fizica, informatii, manual de utilizare.